Saturday, March 23, 2013

Week 11: Befriend Your Body

Winter is coming to an end and women are thinking about the shorts & swimsuit season ahead. The New Year’s resolution to eat healthier and exercise more often withered long ago. The self-loathing is kicking into high gear.

Dr. Hanson makes the point that “your home is your body” and it needs care and maintenance. When you take care with your body, you give it nutrition, sleep, exercise, and loving attention. The simplest act of brushing your teeth and clipping your toenails can be done lovingly and attentively.

We may put our lives on hold, waiting until we lose 10, 25 or even 100 lbs, until we can fit into a perfect size or weigh a perfect amount, the actual number somehow being a magical threshold over which we must cross to be worthy. We wait in fear not that we will fail to reach our goal, but in fear that we will. But life will be what we make of it, regardless of how much we weigh, how much money we have, how popular we are. The truth is we will have no excuses left for not going to the beach, going to the dance, trying a new style, for not having fun, or not having friends, lovers, or spouses, when we begin to love ourselves enough to love the essential miracle of being alive.

Befriending your body is more than body image, self-esteem, healthy eating—it is an attitude toward life. Life is a miracle and our sensory experience, mental capacities, and physical abilities are to be enjoyed and put to good use. It matters less that we have all 20 digits, 4 limbs, red hair or blue than that we feel an immense satisfaction and gratitude for the life we have been given.

“The body is our primary feedback mechanism which can show us what is and isn't working about our ways of thinking, expressing, and living. As we live our truth more fully and freely, our body grows healthier, stronger, and more beautiful.” Shakti Gawain
This concludes Part I of Dr. Hanson's book. We have been looking at ways to Be Good to Ourselves. I hope that you have tried a few things or that you are at least beginning to think about making some changes. In the next few weeks, we will focus on Enjoying Life and I am really looking forward to it. Take care, live fully.