Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week 15: Be Glad

Last week was rough. Hard to blog about being glad when there was so much heartbreaking news. The injunction to 'be glad' can seem insensitive in the midst of that.

Dr. Hanson notes "we pay a lot of attention to threats, losses, and mistreatment in our environment--and to our emotional reactions, such as worry, sadness, resentment, disappointment, and anger" for reasons that promote our survival as individuals, as groups, and as a species. The risk is that we can go overboard, and end up paying attention to nothing else.

To compensate for the brain's negativity bias, we need to make a deliberate effort to seek out good news and things to be glad about. Then we need to really let it sink in and share the good news.

So in the wake of events in Boston and West, Texas last week what can we find? Close to home, maybe it was a personal event--baby's first steps, the first glimpse of spring flowers, a hearty laugh with a loved one. In fact, my daughter made me laugh so hard last week, I snorted like a donkey and laughed even harder at myself. Over the weekend, the high school students completed a service project. A phone call to someone recovering from an illness was answered with a hearty hello, revealing at least for a moment a little reprieve. Even market news can be heartening with real estate markets picking up in some locales.

So here are ten pieces of good news from around the world for the week of April 22:
Two things you can do this week are to share some happy news of your own and to express appreciation for someone in your life. In saying how much I enjoyed the chocolate bar with crystallized ginger my daughter gave me, the delicious taste came back to me in her happy glow of pride.